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Unique Armor – Multi-Character

Armor Characters VAL EVA ATK DEF INT HIT AGL Obtained
Tattered Armor All characters 1,000 1 0 0 0 0 0 Item Creation (Smithery)
Crude Armor All characters 500 1 0 0 0 0 0 Item Creation (Smithery)
Thin Armor All characters 800 1 0 0 0 0 0 Item Creation (Smithery)
Ring Mail Fayt, Cliff, Maria, Nel, Peppita & Mirage 180 N/A 0 8 0 0 20 Whipple (Shop)
Carbonite Armor All characters 30,000 N/A 0 100 0 0 70 Moonbase (Shop)
Ablative Shield All characters except Sophia 46,000 N/A 0 160 0 0 65 Gemity (Shop)
Valkyrie Garb Maria, Nel, Peppita & Mirage 932,700 N/A 0 600 0 0 0 Lenneth (Drop)

Heavy Armor – Fayt, Cliff, and Roger

Armor Comments VAL EVA ATK DEF INT HIT AGL Obtained
Cuirass Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 1,200 10 0 5 0 0 20 Item Creation (Smithery)
Plate Armor Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 3,200 20 0 10 0 0 30 Item Creation (Smithery)
Scale Armor None. 200 N/A 0 12 0 0 20 Kirlsa (Shop)
Heavy Armor None. 950 N/A 0 20 0 0 30 Peterny (Shop)
Steel Armor Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 5,200 40 0 25 0 0 40 Item Creation (Smithery)
Mythril Plate Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 1,400 60 0 55 0 0 50 Item Creation (Smithery)
Masterwork Plate None. 24,000 N/A 0 60 0 0 50 Airyglyph (Shop)
Silver Cuirass Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 16,400 90 0 90 0 0 60 Item Creation (Smithery)
Damask Plate Shoots powerful balls of light when defending. 65,000 N/A 0 100 0 0 60 Ruins of Barr (Treasure Chest)
Superior Plate Armor Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 25,400 95 0 120 0 0 70 Item Creation (Smithery)
Ablative Armor None. 33,200 N/A 0 130 0 0 60 Moonbase (Shop)
Astral Armor Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, 30% negate special attacks by magic users, immunity to freezing, immunity to petrification, DEF +20. 45,300 99 0 140 0 0 80 Item Creation (Smithery)
Battle Armor None. 49,500 N/A 0 200 0 0 80 Aquios (Shop)
Reflecting Plate Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, adds fire & water defense (no damage), DEF +20. 80,800 N/A 0 200 0 0 90 Maze of Tribulations (B1F, Treasure Chest)
Valiant Mail Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +20. 150,800 N/A 0 380 0 0 100 Sphere 211 (106F, Treasure Chest)

Light Armor – Maria, Nel, Albel, and Mirage

Armor Comments VAL EVA ATK DEF INT HIT AGL Obtained
Leather Armor Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 1,150 10 0 2 0 0 10 Item Creation (Smithery)
Chainmail Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 2,100 20 0 7 0 0 20 Item Creation (Smithery)
Padded Armor None. 450 N/A 0 18 0 0 30 Albel’s default armor
Cuir Bouilli Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 3,300 40 0 20 0 0 30 Item Creation (Smithery)
Mythril Mesh Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 6,700 80 0 35 0 0 50 Item Creation (Smithery)
Steel Chain Mail None. 700 N/A 0 38 0 0 40 Arias (Shop)
Superior Leather Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 14,700 95 0 55 0 0 70 Item Creation (Smithery)
Anointed Chain Mail None. 3,500 N/A 0 58 30 0 50 Peterny (Shop)
Superior Mesh Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 48,400 80 0 75 0 0 80 Item Creation (Smithery)
Superior Chain Mail None. 26,800 N/A 0 90 0 0 60 Airyglyph (Shop)
Elemental Leather Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, adds wind, fire, water & earth defense (1/2 damage), DEF +5. 67,200 95 0 115 0 0 90 Item Creation (Smithery)
Mystic Chain Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 48,400 N/A 0 180 0 0 40 Maze of Tribulations (B3F, Treasure Chest)
Battle Chain Mail None. 38,000 N/A 0 180 0 0 90 Aquios (Shop)
Dragon Leather Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +20. 145,800 N/A 0 370 0 0 60 Sphere 211 (111F, Treasure Chest)

Robes – Sophia, Peppita, and Adray

Armor Comments VAL EVA ATK DEF INT HIT AGL Obtained
Cloak Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 700 10 0 1 0 0 5 Item Creation (Smithery)
Silk Robe Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 1,700 20 0 2 0 0 10 Item Creation (Smithery)
Elven Cloak Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, adds wind defense (absorbs damage), DEF +5. 33,200 30 0 4 0 0 15 Item Creation (Smithery)
Robe None. 150 N/A 0 5 0 0 20 Sophia’s default armor
Cloak of the Stars Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 6,200 50 0 10 0 0 20 Item Creation (Smithery)
Crystal Robe Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 3,700 70 0 20 0 0 25 Item Creation (Smithery)
Runic Cloak +1 battle bonus gauge increase. 3,600 N/A 0 90 30 0 60 Moonbase (Shop)
Wizard’s Robe None. 19,000 N/A 0 130 0 0 80 Aquios (Shop)

Special Armor – Sophia and Peppita

Armor Comments VAL EVA ATK DEF INT HIT AGL Obtained
Featherfolk Garb Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 26,200 95 0 35 0 0 35 Item Creation (Smithery)
Mythril Dress Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +5. 13,200 95 0 91 0 0 30 Item Creation (Smithery)
Robe of Deception Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 40,400 N/A 0 95 0 0 40 Maze of Tribulations (B2F, Treasure Chest)
Seraphic Garb Smithery, refine through “Specify Plan”, DEF +10. 120,400 N/A 0 125 0 0 45 Sphere 211 (118F, Treasure Chest)