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FF3 Items

Name Effect Cost
Antidote Cures Poison 80
Barrier Casts Wall on emeny that reflect any magic 5000
Black Hole Death to one enemy 4000
Bomb Head Casts Flare 2000
BombR. Arm Casts Fire 2, More damaging than Flare 1500
Bomb Shard Casts Fire to 1 enemy 1000
Carrot Calls Big Chocobo 150
Choco Rage Casts Flare 5000
Dark Scent Kills 1 enemy 5000
Devil’s Sigh Kills all enemies 3000
Earth Drum Casts Quake 2500
Earth Fang Lets you get past the statues en route to Sylx Tower
Echo Herb Cures Mute 100
Elixir Replenishes HP/MP of 1 party member 3000
Eureka Key Needed to enter Eureka
Eye Use on Nepto’s Statue, Find in neptos head, use mini spell to enter in.
Eyedrop Cures Blind 40
Fenix Down Make a knock out ally back to life. 3000
Fire Fang Lets you get past the statues en
route to Sylx Tower
God’s Rage Casts Bolt 3 1500
God’s Wine Casts Haste 3000
Hi Potion Recovers ~500 HP 1200
Horn Stolen artifact of the Dwarves, their are two.
Imp’s Yawn Casts Aero 2 3000
Lamia Scl. Casts Confuse 3000
Lilith Kiss Casts Drain 3000
Luck Mallet Cures Mini 100
Lute Wakes up Unne N/A
Magic Key Opens locked doors 100
Maid Kiss Cures Toad 100
Midg Bread Casts Sight 200
Mute Charm Casts Mute 2000
North Wind Casts Ice 2 1500
OtterHead Casts Exit, which can exit to entrance of a cave or maze like place. 2000
Paralyzer Casts Shade 3000
Pillow Casts Sleep 2000
Potion Recovers 100 HP 150
Soft Cures petrification 300
South Wind Casts Ice 1000
Split Shell Casts Erase 3000
Sylx Key Key to the Sylx Tower N/A
Time Gear Airship Part N/A
TurtlShell Casts Safe 3000
WaterFang Lets you get past the statues en route to Sylx Tower N/A
WhiteScent Casts Holy 5000
Wind Fang Lets you get past the statues en route to Sylx Tower N/A
Zeus’s Rage Casts Bolt 1000