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Fishing 101: Spots, Gear, and Skill

In Final Fantasy XV, 4 main characters have their own hobbies or so-called skills. Being a Noctis’ personal adviser, Ignis can use any cooking materials found on the field and make a food for his friends providing additional buffs for the entire next day. Prompto loves to take a photo then share it later with his friends.

Gladiolus is a survivalist who regularly picks up an item after beating an enemy. Item can be anything for cooking materials, healing items, and even treasures. Noctis skill is fishing where he can provide fish as an additional cooking ingredient.

Fishing is also considered as a mini-game in FFXV.

Where to Fish

There are various fishing spots in Eos indicated by a fish and a hook icon on the map. Usually, it is located in anywhere that has abundant of water (of cause!). Each fishing spot provides different kinds of fish. Each fishing spot seems to have a limitless supply of fish.

Fishing Equipment

Rod, reel, line, and lure are four necessary fishing gear. Noctis already has a rod and a reel in possession. Line and lures can be fought from a fishing equipment shop which is normally located near a fishing spot.

The first fishing spot in the game can be found right in Chapter 1 in the same place where Noctis meet Ardyn Izunia for the first time.

Each fishing gear has its own stats. A better rod and reel helps Noctis catches a fish easier. A better line lasts longer and different lures attract different kinds of fish.

How to Fish

Simply go to a fishing spot and start fishing. The mini-map on the top right will be changed to a fishing map immediately telling a location of all fish available in that particular spot. A yellow dot means a catchable fish while a blue one means a player is unable catch it at the moment because of an incorrect lure.

Cast a lure to be as close as any yellow spots as possible and press :r2: to start reeling. If a fish sees your bait, a red bar on the top of the screen will be appeared, which is the same way an enemy spots you in a field.

Sometimes, that fish might not eat your bait for various reasons. Just press :x: to stop fishing and then cast a lure again. If a fish eats your lure, a player needs to move a left analog stick to the right direction as instructed by a screen.

Fish HP on top is decreased when a player reels a fish (.:r2: ). And it will be caught when the HP reaches zero. Regularly, there is on on-screen instruction asking a player to move to a random location. Successfully doing so can significantly reduce fish health.

A player needs to move a left analog stick to a left or right continuously based on the on-screen suggestion to prevent tearing a line. Line tension status is seen in the middle. If a player reels too hard without caring the tension bar, line HP is decreased and will tear apart when it reaches zero.

Fishing Skill

Similar to other character skills, there are 10 levels in fishing. Each level improves Noctis’ fishing abilities in various ways from his natural fishing skill to equipment improvement.

The amount of fishing experience depends on fish size and rarity. A player can invest a fishing ability in an ascension grid for as a way to gain AP from fishing.