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Skills in Final Fantasy XV

Each of your party members can have a unique skill. Progression can be seen at the level up screen when you rest at camps or lodgings.


Ignis is your party’s cook. When you make camp at a haven, he can make meals that grant temporary buffs to all allies. Dishes depend on recipes learnt and the ingredients you currently have. Ingredients can be purchased from shops or looted from defeated enemies. They are also scattered across the map as collectibles. You can get recipes by eating new dishes in restaurants or by defeating specific enemy types. Obtaining skill points will increase your cooking skill and you’ll be able to create more powerful dishes.

Leveling up enables the unlocking of new recipes.


When you explore Eos, you will discover fishing spots where Noctis can improve his skill. The first spot is found in the opening chapter when you reach Galdin Quay. Fishing is straightforward, you just need to follow the on-screen commands and instructions. Every caught fish gives a specific amount of skill points depending on the school size and rarity. Leveling up increases Noctis’s fishing abilities as well as gear.


Gladiolus is the man of survival. The more he walks the higher his skill becomes. The skill is easy to level up, because it’s increasing as you explore Eos. This skill affects the amount of items you get at the end of battles regardless of outcome. At early stages the items you get include potions and they are somewhat beneficial, but at later stages of the game these include ingots with high resale value or elixir consumables that are more valuable.


Prompto is the party’s photographer. Every photo taken increases his skill which gradually unlocks the abilities to take selfies. Pictures can be viewed while resting at camps or lodgings.