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Elements – Level 4

Name +/- Color How to get Effect Tips
Purify 4 White Cupoids drop them Undo all negative status ailments Allocate this!
HealAll 4 Green You can buy them in various towns later in the game. Recover some HP to all allies I usually keep about half of my level four slots filled with HealAlls.
MeteorShower 4 White You can buy them in Guldove later in the game. Deal some damage Good when you first get it; later on, good for turning the field white
HellBound 0 Black You can buy them in Guldove later in the game Instantly kills the enemy This is OK.
IceBlast 4 Blue You can buy them in various towns later in the game. Deal some damage Good when you first get it; later on, good for turning the field blue
MagmaBurst 4 Red You can buy them in various towns later in the game. Deal some damage to all enemies Good when you first get it; later on, good for turning the field red
ElectroBolt 4 Yellow You can buy them in various towns later in the game. Deal some damage Good when you first get it; later on, good for turning the field yellow
AeroBlaster 4 Green You can buy them in various towns later in the game. Deal some damage Good when you first get it; later on, good for turning the field green
StrongMinded 4 White You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your magic defense Good for protecting those of the opposite innate of your opponent
WeakMinded 4 White You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lowers an opponent’s magic defense Stupid. You can use physical attacks instead.
Genius 4 Black You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your magic attack Not too useful
Imbecile 4 Black You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lowers an opponent’s magic attack If an opponent has really powerful magic, this will bring it down
Nimble 4 Blue You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your evade Bad
Numble 4 Blue You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lower the opponent’s evade Bad
Strengthen 4 Red You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your strength Bad
Weaken 4 Red You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lower the opponent’s strength Useful if an opponent has really powerful physical attacks.
HiRes 4 Yellow You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your magic defense Good for protecting those of the opposite innate of your opponent
LoRes 4 Yellow You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lower the opponent’s defense You could just use magical attacks.
EagleEye 4 Green You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily raise your hit% Bad
BatEye 4 Green You can buy them in ANOTHER Marbule Temporarily lower the opponent’s hit% Bad
Panacea 0 White You can buy them in Guldove Removes all negatave status ailments; consumable Before you get Purify, allocate it just in case- but otherwise they’re just an alternative to Medicine, Ointment, Brace, and Antidote elements