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Status based non-elemental attack which damages all enemies.


You need to battle and defeat him in Galbadia Garden, near the end of of Disc 2. (He is the big creature standing in the middle of the Main Hall).

Level HP Attack Power
23 1490 N/A
30 1876 N/A
40 2434 N/A
50 3000 N/A
60 3574 N/A
70 4156 N/A
80 4746 N/A
90 5344 N/A
100 5950 N/A
Ability AP Leads to
Str-J Learned N/A
Mag-J 50 N/A
Spr-J Learned N/A
Spd-J 80 N/A
Hit-J Learned N/A
ST-Atk-J 100 N/A
ST-Def-J 130 St-Def-J
ST-Def-J x2 180 St-Def-J
St-Def-J x4 Learned N/A
Ability x3 Learned N/A
Magic Learned N/A
Draw Learned N/A
GF Learned N/A
Item Learned N/A
Spd+20% 150 Spd+40%
Spd+40% 200 N/A
Auto-Haste 250 N/A
Expend x2-1 250 N/A
Alert 200 N/A
GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
GFHP+30% 140 N/A