Diablos (Magical Lamp)
Weapons Monthly April (Squall’s desk)
Zell informs Squall that he’s been given a private room. Use it to rest and save. In the morning, Selphie tells Squall to meet at the Main Entrance. Pick up the April issue of Weapons Monthly from the desk before leaving the room. At the Main Entrance, Cid and a faculty member brief you on your 1st SeeD mission. After getting your orders, talk to Cid again to get a Magical Lamp. Before using it, go back to the lobby and save your game. Select Magical Lamp from the menu screen to fight, and ultimately collect, another GF.
HP: varies
Strength: Gravija
Weakness: Wind
AP: 20
Draw: Cure, DemiFirst, have everyone draw and stock Demi from Diablos (note that you’ll need a decent Magic parameter in order to do so). A total of 8-10 Demi spells should be adequate. Now, cast Demi on Diablos repeatedly until it does only 2-digit damage. Oddly, he’ll cast Cura on whoever used Demi on him. Those who cannot draw or cast Demi should heal and revive the others. Finish him off with your most powerful GF or a Limit Break.
After you acquire GF Diablos, visit the Library with Zell for a random event involving a secret admirer. Her girlfriends drop hints, but returning here often lets you view the full set of sequences. Use the Esuna DP near the palm tree then leave. Visit the Cafeteria and lend an ear to the worker who talks about her son. When ready, exit Balamb Garden.