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Deling City – Assassination Mission

  • Rare Cards


  • Draw Points

    Esuna, Zombie, Bio (Sewers)

  • GFs

    Carbuncle (Iguion)

  • Magazines

    Weapons Monthly May (Sewers)

  • Enemies

    Creeps, Red Bat, Grand Mantis (Sewers)

Return to the guard in front of Caraway’s Mansion and give him the password you wrote down in the Tomb.

When he lets you pass, use the Save Point in front of the mansion then enter. Inside, talk to Rinoa and wait for General Caraway to arrive. After the cut-scene, select a party then follow Gen. Caraway through the city as he explains the mission details. When he’s finished, go ahead and explore (shop, play cads, etc.). Head back to Caraway’s Mansion when you’re ready.

Once there, the 2 teams are decided. As you try to leave, Rinoa returns but is not allowed to participate in the mission. Follow Caraway to the Gateway, where Team #2 (Quistis, Zell & Selphie) is dropped off. Have Team #1 (Squall & Irvine) head towards the Palace Gate. Back at the Gateway, Quistis wonders whether she was too harsh with Rinoa and decides to apologize. Return to Caraway’s Mansion.

Make sure to junction Rinoa when you take control of her. Use the Save Point next to the vehicle then look for a manhole to the right of the crates. Descend into the sewers and head west to find the May issue of Weapons Monthly. Return to the Save Point above and climb the stacks of crates to get to the roof. Follow the path west to a ladder. Ascend to the top. Once inside, approach the sorceress then watch an FMV showing her masterful power.

Back at Caraway’s Mansion, have Quistis examine the painting next to the window then take a glass cup from the shelves on the left. Head to the upper left corner and set the cup on the statue to reveal a hidden passage. Junction your party and descend into the sewers. Ride the waterwheel on the left then head north until an FMV takes over.

When you regain control of Squall, follow Irvine back to the crates. Use the Save Point (re-junction your crew if necessary) then climb up to the roof. Head forward into Edea’s Chamber.


HP: 1,151
AP: 10
Strength: Fire, Poison
Weakness: Earth, Holy
Draw: Esuna, Cure, Break, Carbuncle

Draw GF Carbuncle from these guys first (last option in draw menu), then quickly dispatch one of them before they hit you with Resonance, a combo attack. If they use Magma Breath, heal by drawing Esuna from them. Use GF Brothers and try putting a Sleep, Stop or Death spell on them to buy some time.

After the battle, return to the corridor and open the hatch in the floor on the right. Go down and collect the rifle there.

Meanwhile, Team #2 is in the sewers. Junction the party before proceeding. From your current position, follow the path until you reach a ladder that you can collapse. Cross it and head west to reach an Esuna DP then retrace your steps back to the collapsed ladder. Cross over and head left. On the next screen, head north through the gate. The party will pass a dormant waterwheel, followed by a useable one. Head right and take the southern path to get to a Zombie DP. There’s also a Bio DP further south. Retrace your steps north to the first 2 waterwheels you saw (near the collapsed ladder).

The useable waterwheel carries you over to the other side, where you will find another wheel. Jump onto this one. Follow the path south and cross the upcoming 2 waterwheels. Collapse the next ladder you see and you’re back where you started (ascend the tall ladder to use the Save Point above if you wish). Head east from where you dropped that ladder to another wheel. Ride it then follow the northern path to another Save Point. Climb the ladder on the wall to reach the top of the Archway.

When Zell tells you to, control Quistis and hit the panel on the left to drop the gates. Irvine shows his weak side at this crucial point and Squall must coax him into firing the decisive shot. Junction your GFs now.


HP: 1,151
AP: 10
Strength: Fire, Poison
Weakness: Earth, Holy
Draw: Esuna, Cure, Break, Carbuncle

Steal Hero or Holy War (it’s random) from him and draw some Life magic before finishing him off with GFs or the Gunblade.

Once Seifer is defeated, Irvine and Rinoa enter to aid Squall.


HP: 6,700
AP: 20
Strength: Elementals
Weakness: ???
Draw: Cura, Dispel, Life, Double

Edea’s arsenal consists of various elemental spells, so minimize damage with Shell. If you cast GF Carbuncle, Edea will use Dispel to break your Reflect status. Edea is a bit on the difficult side, but she has friendly draw spells such as Double, Cura and Life, which you can exploit.